Certifying the Delivery of Electronic Documents: How e-Delivery Ensures Security and Legal Proof

Certifying the Delivery of Electronic Documents: How e-Delivery Ensures Security and Legal Proof

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There are situations where it is necessary to certify the delivery of documents. In the physical world check ins, reception notifications, or certified mail solutions fulfill these needs. In the digital world legal proof of document delivery are generated through an e-Delivery service, regulated by the European eIDAS norm.

The Electronic Registered Delivery Service (ERDS) is regulated by Regulation (EU) nº 910/2014 of the European Parliament and Council published on July 23 2014, also known as eIDAS. eIDAS regulates electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the European single market.

The e-Delivery service is part of the trust services regulated by eIDAS, which also include other services like the digital signature, digital seal, and the digital time stamp. All these services are based on electronic identification as regulated by eIDAS.

The e-Delivery service must be offered by a Trust Service Provider like EDICOM, which acts like a trusted third party. Companies accredited as trust service providers must have certain technological capabilities and are constantly audited by the supervisory bod

eIDAS Requirements for Offering Qualified Electronic Delivery Services

Under the eIDAS regulation, providers of qualified electronic delivery services must adhere to several strict requirements to ensure secure and verifiable communication. These include:

  • Offering one or more qualified trust services.
  • Confirming the identity of the sender with a high level of assurance.
  • Verifying the recipient’s identity before delivering any data.
  • Securing both the sending and receiving of data with an advanced electronic signature or seal, provided by a qualified trust service provider, to prevent undetected alterations.
  • Notifying both the sender and recipient of any data modifications upon delivery or reception.
  • Using a qualified timestamp to document the exact date and time of each transmission, reception, and data modification.

Why Choose a Qualified Provider for Certifying Electronic Document Delivery

Qualified electronic delivery services provide a reliable means to securely exchange sensitive information, such as tax documents, legal communications, and other confidential data. These certified services have legal standing; data sent and received through them is presumed to be unaltered and can serve as admissible evidence in legal proceedings. The confidentiality and security of sensitive information are therefore fully supported and protected.

What Guarantees Does a Qualified Electronic Delivery Service Offer?

  • Private Network: Communications occur over a closed, certified network that meets eIDAS standards, ensuring a high level of security. Such a network interconnects with other eIDAS-certified networks and supports secure delivery and reception notifications, providing clear evidence of these exchanges.
  • Traceability: Every action taken within the electronic delivery service is logged to maintain a complete record, supporting full process traceability.
  • Authentication of Sender and Recipient: The service authenticates all parties involved in the exchange, issuing a digital certificate uniquely linked to the verified company or individual.
  • Integrity: Messages are encrypted to maintain integrity and authenticity throughout the process, ensuring that only the intended recipient can access the content.
  • Evidence: The service generates a legally recognized audit trail for the entire process, following the eIDAS regulation’s standards for certified electronic delivery services.
  • Verification: Each message is time stamped at the point of sending and receiving, adding an extra layer of verification.

With these capabilities, qualified trust service providers protect the confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of digital communications. They enable businesses and individuals to conduct legally secure, streamlined digital transactions, with strong identification measures that support commercial and legal exchanges with full confidence.
